
From graph 3, about 69.7% of respondents don’t have the habit of running and 30.3% have. However, according to graph 4, we can find that most people thought the knowledge of running is important. On a scale of 1 to 5, up to 35.1% of people choose the scale 5, and 32.3% choose the scale 4, which they have a great interest in learning about running. Fewer people think that learning knowledge is not very important on a scale of 1 to 2. Finally, although most people don’t have the habit of running, however, they still think having knowledge about running is important.

According to graph 5, up to 69.9% of our respondents don’t consider running as the first choice of exercise. This result is consistent with the scale about running is an important sport. On a scale of 1 to 5, scale 3 has the most percentage with 42.6% and scale 2 is the second-highest percentage with 16.2%, which means that almost half of people think that running isn't necessary for life. There is only 16.4% of respondents think running is the most important sport on a scale of 5. In these open answers, the respondents prefer more easy exercise such as walking or more strenuous exercise such as playing ballgame and doing workouts.

From the bar chart, 55.1% (215) of the respondents only run once a week. The second frequency, 19% (74) of the respondents runs twice per week. The rest of the respondents run 4, 5, 6, 7 per week.

From the pie chart, 68.7% (268) of the respondents run under 30 minutes per time. The second ratio, 22.3% (87) of the respondents doing exercise between 30 minutes to 1 hour. The third ratio, 4.4% (17) of the respondents spent 1 to 2 hours on running exercises. The rest of the respondents spent 2 hours on running exercise.

The table above was collected from the data of respondents, it shows that 38.07% (134) of the respondents had the habit of running under 500m. Furthermore, 20.45% (72) of the respondents run 501-1000m per time. The rest of the respondents run more than 1000m per time.

According to the data, 87.2% of the respondents answer the benefit of running is Improving cardio capacity. Furthermore, 65.9% of the respondents believe that running would help with stress releasing, and also 63.6% of the respondents suppose the idea of running would bring weight loss. The rest of the respondents answered that running brings plenty of advantages, For instance, muscle building, mood-changing, quality-life improvement, immunity enhancement, etc.

According to the data, 81.3% of the respondents believe that running trains calf muscle. Moreover, 74.9% of the respondents suppose that running would train thigh muscles. Additionally, 50.3% of the respondents answered that this kind of sport would benefit joint mobilization. The rest of the respondents answered that running train bunch of muscles in our body.

For this open question, the respondents are allowed to freely express their personal opinion towards running. From the responses, we concluded that about 36.4% of the respondents considered running as tiring, exhausting. About 26.2% simply think of running as generally good and decent exercise to do, while 21.8% think of running as training and can improve health. In addition, about 2.6% consider running as having the potential to cause physical damage such as knee pain. The data shows the impression of running to most people is “very physically demanding” and very few regard running as damaging.

From the graph, warm-ups are the highest chosen option by the respondents for about 87.9%. Stretching, and wearing appropriate clothing are the second most common answers which are about 76%. But staying hydrated is about 65.4%, which is not as frequent as the previous three options. The graph demonstrates the fact that most people know the basic knowledge regarding to running and a brief awareness of getting the body ready to run, but not so many people consider the safety protection is necessary for running.

From the graph, knee abrasion, ankle sprain, and other injuries relating to legs are the most frequent injuries considered by the respondents. This is apparent since running is a sport that legs take a great part into. Among all the legs pain: knee abrasion has the highest rank while plantar fasciitis since knee pain is the most common experience by people while fewer experience plantar fasciitis it helps to explain such difference. The results above justify how respondents tend to select injury types from their own experience. The pain other than legs such as lumbago is not so commonly considered an injury 23.3%. The results show that most people do have a decent knowledge about running damage, but not very detailed.

Of all the respondents, 81.5%, which is more than half, of the respondents participated in running-related competitions, which indicates that most Taiwanese people are actively involved in running, showing a great interest in running. The majority of respondents, 86.2%, however, like a more gentle kind of running that is jogging. Few people like a more tiring and speed-oriented type of running such as sprint and trail running. We notice there are many different and varied types of running answered by the respondents indicating a very high potential for creative ways to develop running. This indicates the future for running, as the creative development of running surely can attract more people. If running can be developed into other forms, the awareness trend of running could be raised.